Sunday, 1 June 2014


On Friday I randomly decided to get on a train and go to Birmingham for the day. This might not seem thrilling to most people but for me this was out of the ordinary. Most of the time I spend too much weighing up the pros and cons of a situation and worrying the possible outcomes of the situation. This has inspired me to make a list of things to keep in mind when I am faced with a problem. 

1.) Don't over think - I have a chronic problem of over thinking just about everything I do, this I have come to find makes the problem seem a thousand times worse than it is. 

2) Don't over analyse- Okay I suppose this relates to the previous point in a way. But it is slightly different, I tend to go over every possible outcome for situations and this leads to me  worrying about the problem more than I should do. 

3) Don't dwell on the negatives- I tend to focus on the negative parts of a problem I am faced makes me want to not deal confront the problem and run away from it. 

4) Don't stress - This is a big one for me I tend to become stressed over the smallest things on occasion and this stops me from doing things I may want to do and stops me living the fulfilled life. 

That's all for today folks. 

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