Wednesday, 4 June 2014


I'm not going to beat about the bush my life is pretty mundane I should probably do more with my days weeks and hours. But I find there are not enough hours hours in the day. For example today I worked on my dissertation proposal (lost track of time), tidied up a huge amount of stuff , played the ukulele (yes I'm still doing that - its going well so far) and then I made dinner. Defiantly not exciting. I don't pass the days by doing the same thing but sometimes I find the days can blend into each other and become a bit dry. I'm hoping at this point I don't sound like Esther form the bell jar. Because I do love my boring days in all their colour and glory and each does have a richness to it what ever I do. Anyway I'm going to attempt not to ramble and get to the point now. This morning I had a fleeting though as people do on occasions and today that though was pictures. Today in modern times we are flooded with pictures whether they are still or moving most of the content people consume is an image. I do have a healthy appreciation for both pictures and moving images but I do wonder whether people relay too much on pictures and images. While I understand that pictures and video express a whole new side of life. Imagination that reading can bring in important too . Maybe I prefer written content because I feel uncomfortable round cameras and I have never been able to see the world clearly because I  have to wear glasses. But anyway whatever the reason I have found pictures hard to comprehend, so because life is supposed to about self improvement. I am going to try and take more pictures and try to see out of myself more as well as making more memories that I can take pictures of in my mind or on a camera.

That's all folks

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