Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Self respect - 30/07/2014

The days in the run up to my birthday always seem to slip by faster than normal, and this year is no different. Because in a few short days time I will officially be 22. I am not the biggest fan of birthdays because they remind me that I am another closer to death and I am not a child anymore so I can't delight in the birthday experience. But every year as my birthday draws neat I still find myself wondering what new experiences the year will hold and if it will be good or bad. I also try to set goals for the year ahead even though my planning skills are 0. So hear goes with the goal setting. 
1.) Respect myself - I went to a couple of art exhibition today. One of the exhibition  was called the human factor the pieces in the exhibition were sculptures of the human body , in various portions and presented in different ways highlighting how we are all human and we need to respect each other and the world around us. I then saw another exhibition about love which had a section on  self love. This reminded me that I need to not only love other humans but I need to love and respect myself as well and have confidence in my ability. 
2.) Self discovery and improvement - This year I want to improve myself by helping myself understand who I am by discovering what career I want to do for the rest of my life which I think I am nearly there with. 
3.) Change the world for the better- I want to have a positive impact on the world this year and however small that maybe because I don't help enough people.
4.) Really focus- I want to really focus on tasks and start carrying them out to the best of my ability because I tend change my mind and get distracted a lot. 
5.) Self expression - I want to get better at expressing myself to others both in writing and also my speech. I know for a fact I use the word like too much. So I aim stop saying like as much and learn about writing. 

I think that is enough goals to work on and maybe because I have wrote them down I will actually carry them out this time round. 

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