Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Self respect - 30/07/2014

The days in the run up to my birthday always seem to slip by faster than normal, and this year is no different. Because in a few short days time I will officially be 22. I am not the biggest fan of birthdays because they remind me that I am another closer to death and I am not a child anymore so I can't delight in the birthday experience. But every year as my birthday draws neat I still find myself wondering what new experiences the year will hold and if it will be good or bad. I also try to set goals for the year ahead even though my planning skills are 0. So hear goes with the goal setting. 
1.) Respect myself - I went to a couple of art exhibition today. One of the exhibition  was called the human factor the pieces in the exhibition were sculptures of the human body , in various portions and presented in different ways highlighting how we are all human and we need to respect each other and the world around us. I then saw another exhibition about love which had a section on  self love. This reminded me that I need to not only love other humans but I need to love and respect myself as well and have confidence in my ability. 
2.) Self discovery and improvement - This year I want to improve myself by helping myself understand who I am by discovering what career I want to do for the rest of my life which I think I am nearly there with. 
3.) Change the world for the better- I want to have a positive impact on the world this year and however small that maybe because I don't help enough people.
4.) Really focus- I want to really focus on tasks and start carrying them out to the best of my ability because I tend change my mind and get distracted a lot. 
5.) Self expression - I want to get better at expressing myself to others both in writing and also my speech. I know for a fact I use the word like too much. So I aim stop saying like as much and learn about writing. 

I think that is enough goals to work on and maybe because I have wrote them down I will actually carry them out this time round. 

Friday, 25 July 2014

25/07/2014 - Sloth

In this world you have a multitude of different personalities and kinds of people, you get people who are self motivated and get up and go achieve big bright things and then you have the opposite people like me the dictionary definition of lazy.

The Oxford English dictionary defines lazy as -

1.unwilling to work or use energy.
2.showing lack of effort or care.
3.slow moving.

I feel that the first two are me in a nutshell. I am sure if the majority of the human race was an unmotivated and lazy as me then we would not have survived past the stone age, I do count myself lucky that I live in the 21st centenary as I would have not lived past my 5th birthday. I just did a quick Google search about laziness and Google informed me that people who are motivated are organised and plan out their days. This is the complete opposite of me who gets worked up about thinking about what I'm going to do tomorrow let alone in a years time. I can not deal with thinking about the feature which is probably a whole other issue in its self.

I know full well that I should get my shit together and become a self motivated and fully functioning human being but I seem to have regressed back to childhood because I do not feel ready enough or papered enough to be an adult yet. I am essentially trying to press pause of my life but time waits for no man or woman.

But I do have a nice quote from a museum I went to

The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways ; the point is to change it  - Karl Marx

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Lost my phone 19/07/2014

So I lost my phone and I am yet to buy a new one. This has made me feel that I am the ONLY person in the whole of the developed world who is not the owner of a mobile phone. Not being the owner of a mobile phone for the first time since I was 12 has not drastically changed the way I go about life. I feel I should be savoring every minute of not having a mobile phone but I'm still not attending to the world like I should be this is because I have my face in a book most of the time. But are there really any joys of not owning a mobile phone. I thought that with my lost phone I would get so much done I feel like I haven't done anything , then again I have gone through more books than normal but this is because I can't communicate with my friends so family time has increased 10 fold. Although I did not have the best phone in the world it did a good job of storing peoples numbers and getting texts and calls. Now I don't to worry about missing calls. The main things I have noticed about not having a mobile phone is that I don't really need one and life goes on with out one . I am also coming to respect people more for having to remember phone numbers hats to to them all. Another good thing about being phone-less is I don't have to be constantly connected to people who want to check up on me and no one can disturbed me when I want to be alone. But to top it all off not having a mobile phone has opened my eyes to how the world looks now. Everyone has there head bent and the majority of people most of the time are looking at some sort of screen on the go. People are so connected with their mobile phones I feel that babies are born with a government gift of a phone. When I do get a phone aging whenever that may be I will endeavor to leave it at home as much as possible.